— The official website of the Peterson Cutter Owner's Group

BBC Shortwave Frequencies

This page was last updated on October 21, 2005.

Although the BBC no longer targets North America, many of the feeds intended for other areas are strong enough for us to hear. The BBC shortwave frequencies listed below are a quick check of stations that were heard from SW Ontario in mid-October, 2005. The page will be updated on a regular basis to reflect schedule changes as well as seasonal changes in atmospheric conditions. Please email us if you enjoyed using this page. Please note that the listing does not record changes that the BBC may make within a particular 1 hour slot. Interference may also vary, along with reception quality of course. Conditions can vary particularly rapidly in the time slots closest to local sunrise and sunset times.
Times in UTC are shown above each table.
left Column: Frequency in kHz
Middle Column:
Q denotes that quality is degraded by interference
M = Multipath echo
1 = detectable
5 = best quality
Right Column: Probable Stream
AF = Africa
AM = Central or South America
AS = Asia
EU = Europe
ME = Middle East
PA = Pacific
* Operates for part of the hour only
Readers comments:

"This is easily the best, most concise listing of BBC frequencies I have ever seen. A thousand thank-you's for making it available."

Ron, Maryland, USA

"Thanks again for this helpful information about BBC frequencies. May it continue and may the supplier of the information long prosper!!!!!!"

Portage, MI

"Thanks for an outstanding data; please keep up with the updates."

TNS, Reston, Virginia, USA

The Current time is 15:09 UTC

11760 3 ME
9740 4Q AS
6195 5 AM
15485 3 EU
15310 4Q AS
15190 5 CA
11865 5 AM
9740 3 AS
9605 4Q AM
6195 3 AM
21470 2 AF
17830 3 AF
17640 3 ME
15575 4 ME
15485 5 EU
15190 5 CA
9740 2 AS
6195 5 CA
21470 4 AF
17830 3 AS
17640 4 ME
15575 3 ME
15565 4 ME
15485 4 EU
15420 3 ME
15310 3Q AS
15190 5 AM
21470 4 AF
17830 2 AS
17640 4 ME
15575 3 ME
15565 3 ME
15485 4 EU
15310 3Q AS
11750 4 AS
21660 4 AF
21470 4 AF
17830 3 AS
15565 4 ME
15485 3 EU
15420 3Q AF
11750 4 AS
9740 2 AS
21470 5 AF
17830 4 AF
17790 3 AS
15565 4Q AS
15485 4 EU
15400 4 AF
15105 5 AF
12095 5 ME
21470 5 AF
17830 4 AF
15565 4 AS
15400 4 AF
15105 5 AF
12095 4Q EU
11945 3 AF
9410 4 EU
21470 5 AF
17830 3 AF
15400 3Q AF
12095 5 ME
11945 3 AF
9410 3 EU
17830 4 AF
15400 5 AF
12095 5 AF
9630 3 AF
9410 4 EU
17830 4 AF
15400 5 AF
12095 5 AF
9630 4 AF
9410 4 EU
6195 3 EU
15400 5 AF
15390 4 AF
11945 2 AS
11675 5 AM*
9410 4 EU
6195 4 EU
5975 4 CA
15400 5 AF
6195 3 AS
5975 5 CA
5975 5 AM
5975 5 AM
9410 4 AS
12095 3 AM
9825 4 AF
9750 3 AF
5975 5 AM
9750 3Q AF
9410 4 EU
7160 5 AF
7120 5 AF
6195 4Q EU
6005 4Q AF
5975 5 CA
3255 3 AF
9410 4 EU/ME
7160 4Q AF
7120 5 AF
6195 5 EU
6190 3 AF
6005 4Q AF
This page would not have
been possible without the
donation of raw data from
Tony Ward

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Redistribution for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.